Tuesday, December 20, 2011

2011 354/365 Joy

Each year there are folks who receive photos of our girls for Christmas.  Often we give a copy of their school photos.  This year we decided to use a candid photo of both girls together.  I wrapped them all in brown paper that I stamped the other day.
Here they are all stacked up.
The photos were fun to take and edit too.  These were the two finalists:
Each person is actually getting both photos -- some have photo one in front and some have photo two in front -- the other is tucked behind.  It was just too hard to choose!
We of course, can't have a photo shoot without it turning into silliness!  This photo, while not making the "gift cut" is actually my favorite and I put it up on my desk at work.
I hope you are having time for quiet moments and some silly times this season.  Joy - it does a body good!

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