I was happy to have caught the sparkle in this photo.
The sun had risen up over our house and was lighting up the ice from behind.
For a moment the landscape was all a-twinkle.
Remarkable beauty!
I'm not alone out there with my camera.
Many folks are snapping photos of the ice covered trees,
trying to capture what we see, this landscape transformed and shimmering.
A friend and reader of this blog, Carolyn Stanley took this photo
which I couldn't resist playing with in picasa:

Glittery Sunset, by Carolyn Stanley (fooled with by me)

Glittery Sunset, by Carolyn Stanley (untouched by me)
I'm finding these icy photos are super fun to explore in the editing process.
I've been having a ball playing with shadows, highlights, warmth, and cropping
- coaxing out the icy sheen.
Have a great Saturday!