Flickr Project 365/ Creative Every Day 2011
By early evening yesterday our trees looked like this:
So it was no big surprise when a couple of hours later we lost power.
It was fantastic!
The hours before bedtime were spent
crafting, creating, reading, and snuggling by the fire.
(This is just as much a blessed side-effect of the kids' schools being closed and the unbelievably wonderful ensuing LACK OF HOMEWORK as it is a reaction to the power going out. Without homework, our evenings look very much the same, only with lights and heat on and maybe a board game, a movie, or the Wii.)
I played around taking photos in the candlelight and shadows.
I discovered
that the self-consciousness I had last year about setting up pictures and shooting in front of
Paul had dissolved. I was even able to take some advice and direction
from him without shouting "get your own blog!" (Big time progress for me)! This is a good thing because he's a very good photographer. Part of my learning process seems to be lots of time to mess around with something on my own (365+ days in this case) and without expert advice until suddenly I'm ready to learn more. Paul helped me achieve what I was going for in this photo below:
Later we donned winter hats and all paired up to snuggle
under the bed covers for warmth and rest.
It was such a beautiful night!
Less awesome was waking up several hours later to a house suddenly filled with light when the power was (thankfully) restored, but somehow that made the time spent before bed even more special.
Update: Due to spotty internet service and Paul's
unceasing shoveling and picking away at the unrelenting snow and ice,
the release of "Sled-pocalypse: the Movie" has been delayed another day.
From the previews, I can tell you, it's worth the wait!
By early evening yesterday our trees looked like this:

So it was no big surprise when a couple of hours later we lost power.
It was fantastic!

crafting, creating, reading, and snuggling by the fire.

I played around taking photos in the candlelight and shadows.

under the bed covers for warmth and rest.
It was such a beautiful night!
Less awesome was waking up several hours later to a house suddenly filled with light when the power was (thankfully) restored, but somehow that made the time spent before bed even more special.
Update: Due to spotty internet service and Paul's
unceasing shoveling and picking away at the unrelenting snow and ice,
the release of "Sled-pocalypse: the Movie" has been delayed another day.
From the previews, I can tell you, it's worth the wait!