Friday, September 3, 2010

New apple, dangling

Creative Every Day/Flickr Project 365 photo for 9/2/2010 (yep, that's yesterday!):
 We have an old apple tree in our front yard.  The first apples of the season have appeared outside our living room window and have captured our attention.  The one pictured above is up rather high and just dangling at the tippy end of a branch, just hanging straight down as if just waiting to drop.

Paul and I have been watching The Botany of Desire on netflix and finding it fascinating.  I'd highly recommend it.   It is based on Michael Pollan's book.
(I think it's funny that his last name is Pollan -- get it, pollen?)
The first section is about apples. 
Here's a link to the PBS website with more information,
including lesson plans and a look behind the scenes.